Monday, October 10, 2016



Govt: Every person appointed in Govt service,except in Last Grade Service by direct recruitment will be on probation for a period of two years of duty within a continuous period of three years.

In the case of promotion to higher posts the period of probation will be six months of duty within a continuous  period of one year.
(  GO(P) 42/10/P&ARD  DT:20.12.2010   &  GO(MS) 188/66/PD  DT: 06.05.1966)

Last Grade Employees will be on probation for one year of duty within  a continuous period of three years, if appointed by direct recruitment and if appointed by promotion, they will be on probation for one year of  duty within  a continuous period of two  years ( Rule 9 of  Special Rules )

Aided : Teaching : probation for a period of one year of duty within continuous period of two years(Rule 6(a) chapter XIV A and Rule 7 XXIV B of KER).

Non_ Teaching Staff: The rules  regarding declaration of probation, departmental test qualification and increment as applicable to non-teaching staffs in Government schools for the time being in force shall mutatis mutandis apply to non-teaching staffs in aided schools".
(G. O. (P) No. 198/2012 G.Edn  Dated, Thinvananthapuram, l9th June, 2012).

b. Broken periods of duty within a continuous period of two years can be reckoned for the calculation of one year of duty.[Exp Rule 6(a)].

c. Joining time on transfer, casual leave, special casual leave, authorized holidays; vacation will be counted as duty for the completion of probation.

d. Maternity leave  will be counted as duty  from 15.02.1988. But other kinds of leave  if any ,availed of in continuation of ML will not be counted.

e. Dies non was  treated as duty till 09.01.2002.diesnon will not be counted as duty for  probation from 10.01.2002{GO(P) 291/02/GAD dt:31.08.02.

f. Period of holidays and vacation, if any, prefixed or suffixed to leave which will not be counted as duty for the purpose of completion of probation, will not be counted as duty for probation .

g. Only the Appointing authority can declare the probation. The Authority competent should declare the completion of probation of an employee on the FN of the date on which he is found suitable for declaration of probation{cir.55792/Rules-1/79/GAD dt:29.08.79}

h.Computer education has been made compulsory for declaration of probation of teachers.  ( GO(P)308/13/G.EDN DT:27/11/2013).

Teachers shall, within the period of probation, pass short term computer course having a duration of not less than 45 hours approved by the Government if they have not already acquired such or higher qualification.( Come into force on the 22nd day of March 2011.)


 All duty in a post on a time-scale counts for increments in that time scale{KSR Rule 33 (a ).

On the basis of decision taken in the light of the judgment in WP© 16674/04 Dt: 09.06.04,the pre-revised scale and the corresponding revised scale are treated as identical if other conditions are satisfied. Hence govt have taken a decision that change in the scale of pay due to intervention of pay revision will not be taken in to account. (Govt. Lr.No.179/rules A3/10/fin DT: 15.03.2010)

An increment shall be granted from the first day of the month in which it falls due
GD No.1 KSR Rule 31.

Increment accruing consequent on declaration of probation shall be drawn only w.e.f the date of completion of probation but subsequent shall be drawn on the first day of the month in which they fall due. GD No.2 KSR Rule 31. But in the case of postponement of increment due to availing of LWA without MC, the increment can be sanctioned only from the due date instead of first of the month vide Govt.Lr No.83870/R4/98/fin dt:21.10.1998.

Govt. servant thrown out of service for want of vacancy and again reappointed after a break in the same post or in another post carrying the same scale time scale of pay count his prior service for purposes of increment under rule 33(a) read with rule 12(35) (b) Circular No.32532/RAI/61/fin dt:12.01.1962).

As per Rule 33(b)(2), LWA availed by teachers for completion of training courses such as B. Ed, Hindi  Teachers training, LTT and TTC counts for increment. But the above provision stands omitted vide GO (P)217 /2005/Fin Dt:11.05.2005,w.e.f 24.05.05.At the same time, those  who have entered on the leave before 24.05.05 will be eligible to count the period of LWA as qualifying for increment(GO(P) 69/10/G. Edn Dt:28.04.2010)
Note: LWA for B.Ed,TTC,LTT course as per APPENDIX X11 B will not be count for increment even if it is before 24.05.2005.

·        An Officer shall not be eligible to draw his first increment
until he subscribes to the State Life Insurance Scheme


This is the increment sanctioned to employees who reach the maximum of their scale of pay and become ineligible for any increment in their existing scales of pay .only three stagnation increments are granted-the first two annual and the last biennial(1,2,4 year).the maximum of such increments shall not go above 18300 in 97 pay revision and 33100 in 04 pay revision.[ 97,04 PAY REVISION].

In 2009 pay revision, the scheme of stagnation increment will be modified to the effect that the maximum number of such increments will be five; the first four increments being annual and the fifth and the last as biennial subjected to maximum BP shall not exceed 59840/-(1,2,3,4 6 yrs)


a.“ An employee can exercise option to come over to the revised scale of pay with effect from 01.07.2009 or with from any subsequent date that he opts, provided that such date shall not be beyond the date of his next promotion or one year from the date of PRO(i.e 26.02.2011),whichever is earlier”(Annex.11 Para 26(a) PRO)

    b. Broken periods of service qualifying for increments will be reckoned for     service    weight age. That is, if the period is qualifying for increment, it can be counted for           service weight age even if it is not reckoned for increment.
(Govt clarification to DDE,KKD: Lr.No. 59328/PRC/C3/2011/FIN   Dt:22.10.2011).

c. If the amount calculated (BP+DA+SERVICE WEIGHTAGE+FITMENT) is  more than the the maximum of the revised scale, the revised pay shall be fixed at the maximum, the difference being treated as PP,which will not be absorbed in future increase in pay on account of granting increments .

d. Aided School service in Govt and vice versa will be reckoned for weight age.
(in 1997,2004 pay revision Govt service in Aided school and vice versa will not be reckoned for service weight age).

e. An employee whose increment is withheld for want of declaration of probation on 01.07.2009 or on the date of change over to the new scale will also be allowed the benefit of fixation of pay, notionally counting the increment accrued but withheld. but the next increment  after such fixation will be allowed  only after he is declared to have satisfactorily completed his probation and the period of approved service required to earn an increment. Rule (10).

f. If an officer earns increment earlier than or after the original option date on which he was supposed to get it at the time of exercise of option under the above rule due to revision of date of increment, his pay should automatically be refixed w.e.f the revised date of increment with reference to the original option exercised by him under this rule and there will be no need for exercising a fresh option and issue of special orders for this.(GO(P)364/67/fin dt:14.08.1967)
    Ruling No.KSR Rule 30


Circular No.24/96(89)/fin Dt: 13.05.1996

The Accountant General in his letter cited has pointed out that in many cases the date of next increment as calculated by the departments was incorrect due to the non-exclusion of the periods of LWA availed otherwise on MC. when such instances, where postponement of increment affected fixation of pay in pay revisions, were pointed out, the department takes recourse to ruling (1) under rule 30 Part 1 KSR.i.e the date of effect of  original option is changed to a later date on the plea that the above rule permits re option”

“Under the circumstances Govt wish to clarify that re option for pay revision do not come under Ruling (1) under Rule 30 part 1 KSR and option exercised on revision of pay can be altered only on the basis of a valid re option exercised by the employee concerned and that the re option should also satisfy conditions prescribed in various Govt. orders which permitted exercise of re option”
(KPPHA page 1032).

g. even though the category of teachers are getting periodical increments in the scale of pay admissible to them, their service(part time) has not been reckoned for weight age during past  pay revisions.  Hence the service as part time teachers under General education Department will not be treated as service for allowing weight age while changing over to revised scale of pay  for pay revision 2004.(Lr.No.62860/J2/07/G.Edn dt:19.08.09)
[clarification to DDE ,KKD: Lr.No 56261/S1/10/G.Edn dt:28.10.2011)]

സമയബന്ധിത ഗ്രേഡുകൾക്ക് ഓപ്ഷൻ സമർപ്പിക്കുന്ന വ്യവസ്ഥ 2014 ശബള പരിഷ്കരണ ഉത്തരവ് സ.ഉ പ്രി) 7/ 2016/ ഫിൻ തി: 29/01/2016 പ്രകാരം 01.02.2016 പ്രാബല്യത്തിൽ ഇല്ലാതായി. ഗ്രേഡ് ഡ്യൂ ആവുന്ന തിയ്യതിയിൽ 28 A റൂൾ  പ്രകാരം ശബളം നിർണ്ണയിക്കുകയും ഗ്രേഡിന് ശേഷമുള്ള ഇൻക്രിമെന്റ്  ഗ്രേഡിന് മുൻപുണ്ടായിരുന്ന ഇൻക്രിമെന്റ് തിയ്യതിയിൽ തന്നെ അനുവദിക്കുകയുമാണ് പുതിയ വ്യവസ്ഥ പ്രകാരം ചെയ്യുന്നത്.
ഗ്രേഡുമായി ബന്ധപ്പെട്ട് നിലനിൽക്കുന്ന മറ്റ് വ്യവസ്ഥകൾ.
2014 ശബളപരിഷ്കരണ ഉത്തരവിലെ ഗ്രേഡുമായി ബന്ധപ്പെട്ട പ്രധാന ഭാഗങ്ങൾ താഴെ ചേർക്കുന്നു.
Time Bound Higher Grade Promotion scheme
In the case of Time Bound Higher Grade promotion the pay in the higher time scale will be fixed in terms of Rule 28 A Part I KSR i.e. one notional increment will be given and thereafter the pay in the higher grade scale will be fixed at the next stage above the pay in the lower time scale, arrived after adding notional increment, as on the date of the higher grade promotion. However, he will draw his next increment in the grade scale on the date he would have drawn his normal increment in the lower scale. But in the case of an officer who got the benefit of more than two increments on account of fixation of pay on sanction of higher grade, he will draw his next increment on completion of one year service in the grade scale. The existing option facility for Time Bound Higher Grade Promotion is withdrawn with effect from 01/02/2016. Thefixation on Time Bound Higher Grade Promotion shall be done on the due date itself.The revised fixation rule will be made applicable for Time Bound Higher Grade promotion due on or after 01/02/2016.


The existing time span of 8, 15, 22 years for allowing Time Bound Higher Grade  (TBHG) promotion will continue. The existing time span of 27 years for accruing 4th  TBHG will continue and this grade is limited to employees coming under the scales of  pay ranging from 16500-35700 to 19000-43600. Revised rules for allowing TBHG  promotions are incorporated in Annexure III.  The date of effect of the same will be  01/02/2016.  
TBHG to School Teachers
Para8.(1) Lower Primary and Upper Primary School Teachers working in Government/Government Aided Schools will be allowed Grade Promotions as Grade I,  Senior Grade and Selection Grade on completion of 8,15 and 22 years of service respectively as LPSA/UPSA.  LP/UP school Headmasters will be allowed TBHG on completion of 8 years as Headmaster or 28 years of service as Headmaster and LPSA/UPSA taken together and another grade promotion on completion of 20 years as Headmaster. But on becoming eligible for Higher Grade Promotion in the post of Headmaster, the notional Senior Grade/Selection Grade enjoyed by them based on the  length of service as teacher had they continued as teacher need not be reviewed.
 (2)  High School Assistants will be allowed higher grade promotions as High  School Assistant (Higher Grade), High School Assistant (Senior Grade) and  High  School Assistant (Selection Grade) in the scales of pay of Rs. 32300-68700,  Rs.35700-75600 and Rs.36600-79200 respectively on completion of 7, 15 and 22  years of service.

 Employees who remain in their entry posts in the scales of pay ranging from Rs.
16500-35700 to Rs. 19000-43600 will be granted four higher grades on completion of
the following specified periods of service in their posts

(1) The first Time Bound Higher Grade on completion of eight years of
service in the entry post.

(2) The second Time Bound Higher Grade on completion of 15 years of
service in the entry post and the first regular promotion post/time bound
higher grade taken together.

(3) The third Time Bound Higher Grade on completion of 22 years of total
service in the entry post and the regular promotion post(s)/time
boundhigher grade(s) taken together.

(4) A fourth Time Bound Higher Grade on completion of 27 years of total
service in the entry post and the regular promotion post(s) /time bound
higher grade(s) taken together.
Revised scale    1stTBHG           2ndTBHG           3rdTBHG             4thTBHG
16500-35700  17000-37500  17500-39500  19000-43600  20000-45800
17000-37500  17500-39500  18000-41500  19000-43600  20000-45800
17500-39500  18000-41500  19000-43600  20000-45800  22200-48000
18000-41500  19000-43600  22200-48000  26500-56700  27800-59400

If there is a regular promotion post (including ratio promotion post) in respect of
the categories of posts (entry) coming under pay range from Rs.16500-35700 to
Rs.32300-68700 and its scale of pay is higher than the Time Bound Higher Grade
proposed above, then the qualified incumbent will be given the scale of pay of the
regular promotion post in the direct line of promotion as Time Bound Higher Grade
scale. (While assigning higher grade, only qualified hands eligible for regular
promotion will get the scales of pay of regular promotion posts). In cases where there
exist no such immediate regular promotion post under common category in a
department, the scale of pay of immediate regular promotion post as shown in the
schedule of posts under common category as per Special Rules alone will be
admissible as grade scale (ie. in case where there are only Junior Superintendent post
and no intermediary post of Head Clerk in a department, a UD Clerk will be eligible
for higher grade in the scale of pay of Head Clerk only). Unqualified hands will be
allowed the next higher scale of pay above that of the scale of pay of the post held at
that time, in the standard scales of pay .

If the scale of pay of the regular promotion post is lower than the Time Bound
Higher Grade proposed in the Table, the scale of pay of Time Bound Higher Grade
specified above will be given on completion of prescribed years of qualifying service
by reckoning the total service in both the lower post and promotion post taken
together. In such cases the fixation under Rule 30, Part I KSR will be admissible and
the next increment will be allowed on the normal increment date in the earlier
promoted post.

In all cases of regular promotions from Time Bound Higher Grades to post
(equivalent to that of the grade post) carrying the same or higher time scale of pay, the
pay in the promoted scale will be fixed in terms of Rule 30,Part I KSR. The next
increment in the same or higher scale will fall due on the date of increment in the
Time Bound Higher Grade post. This is applicable only to an officer promoted from
Time Bound Higher Grade to the equivalent regular promotion post on the same or
higher scale of pay which is in the regular line of promotion of the post held by him.
In the case of an officer promoted or appointed 'by transfer' to a post which is not
equivalent to the Time Bound Higher Grade enjoyed by him and carries lower, same
or higher scale of pay, fixation of pay will be made under the appropriate rules of
fixation of pay in KSRs.

In respect of categories of post coming under the pay scale ranging from Rs.35700-
75600 to 40500-85000 the Time Bound Higher Grade will be as specified in Table II.
Scales of pay of regular promotion post will not be given in these cases. This is
applicable in the case of employee enjoying scale of pay 35700-75600 and above
whether by regular promotion or by Time Bound Higher Grade.

In the case of an employee enjoying the Time Bound Higher Grade Promotion in
the pre-revised grade scale his revision shall be done only in the eligible Time Bound
Higher Grade scale. Corresponding revised scale of pre-revised grade scale (as per
Annexure I) will not be allowed in such case.

In the case of Time Bound Higher Grade promotion the pay in the higher time
scale will be fixed in terms of Rule 28 A Part I KSR i.e. one notional increment will
be given and thereafter the pay in the higher grade scale will be fixed at the next stage above the pay in the lower time scale, arrived after adding notional increment, as on the date of the higher grade promotion. However, he will draw his next increment in the grade scale on the date he would have drawn his normal increment in the lower scale. But in the case of an officer who got the benefit of more than two increments on account of fixation of pay on sanction of higher grade, he will draw his next increment on completion of one year service in the grade scale. The existing option facility for Time Bound Higher Grade Promotion is withdrawn with effect from 01/02/2016. Thefixation on Time Bound Higher Grade Promotion shall be done on the due date itself.The revised fixation rule will be made applicable for Time Bound Higher Grade promotion due on or after 01/02/2016.

Non-teaching staff in Aided Schools, Private Colleges and Polytechnics who
come under the scheme of direct payment of salary by Government are also eligible
for Time Bound Higher Grade promotion subject to the above conditions. The existing
benefit of third Time Bound Higher Grade in the scale of pay of Junior Superintendent
allowed to LD Clerk in Aided School will continue.

The service rendered in the entry post and reckoned for normal increments will be
treated as the qualifying service for granting Time Bound Higher Grades in that post.

The term ‘entry post’ shall be defined as the post to which an employee is initially
appointed in Government service by direct recruitment by the competent authority.
Appointments made by PSC, “by transfer” from other categories will also be treated
as equivalent to direct recruitment for allowing the benefit of Time Bound Higher
Grade. An employee who has been initially appointed in a post in one department gets
appointment subsequently by direct recruitment (PSC) or by other means in another
post in the same /other department, his entry post will be the newly appointed post, in
such cases Time Bound Higher Grade Promotion will be granted based on the new
entry post only. Service in different posts having same scale will not be treated as
qualifying service. Similarly in the case of employees who get inter departmental
transfer (interdepartmental transferees), their prior service in the entry post in the
former department will also be reckoned as qualifying service for time bound higher
grade. Those who get regular promotion or appointment to higher posts within the
period specified for each Time Bound Higher Grade will not be granted further Time
Bound Higher Grade during that period.

All promotions in the regular line of promotion from Subordinate Service to State
Service (e.g. promotion as Senior Superintendent from Junior Superintendent, Section
Officer from Assistant Section Officer, Assistant Engineer from First Grade Overseer
etc ) are also termed as 'by transfer' appointment. However, further Time Bound
Higher Grade promotion will not be granted by reckoning the service in the
promoted posts(Senior Superintendent, Section Officer, Assistant Engineer etc) taken
as entry post on analogy with by transfer appointment i.e. promotion to a post in the
direct line of promotion in a Department made on the basis of select list prepared by
the Departmental Promotion Committee, will not be treated as direct recruitment for
allowing the benefit of Time Bound Higher Grade. All appointment 'by transfer'
except the promotions/appointments from Subordinate Service to State Service as
mentioned above will be treated as equivalent to direct recruitment for sanctioning
Time Bound Higher Grade.

Those who relinquish regular promotion, whether permanently or for specified
periods , will not be given the benefit of Time Bound Higher Grade promotions.
Similarly, an employee who got the benefit of Time Bound Higher Grade promotion
will on no account be permitted to relinquish regular promotion to that grade either
permanently or for specified periods.

The employees in the entry scales of pay of Rs.17000-37500 and Rs.17500-39500
will be eligible for reckoning their last grade service also for allowing 22 years third
Time Bound Higher Grade. This benefit will not be allowed to first, second and fourth
Time Bound Higher Grades. The employees in the posts having the revised entry scale
of Rs. 18000 - 41500 and above are also not eligible for this benefit.

Military service which counts for civil pension of Ex-servicemen will be reckoned
as qualifying service for allowing first higher grade. However, on the basis of
Judgement dated 25.3.15 of the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India in Civil Appeal No.
3136/15 and other connected Civil Appeals, Government have issued
GO(P)No.408/15/Fin dated 14.9.2015, in which it has been clarified that the exservicemen who were under War/Military service got appointment in the State Civil
Service in Gazetted and Non-Gazetted posts are eligible to get the benefit of first Time
Bound Higher Grade counting the War/Military service without refunding their
mustering out benefits. The Civilian service under Military will not be counted for
granting higher grade. The State Government employees who are in service on
14.9.2015 (date of order) and who joined State Government Service after 14.9.2015
are eligible to get the benefits in GO(P)No.408/15/Fin dated 14.9.2015. As per the
said Government Order, a State Government employee having 10/8 or more years of
War/Military service prior to the date of joining in Government Service, as the case
may be, are eligible to get first Time Bound Higher Grade on the date of joining in
Government service itself in the next higher scale above the scale of pay of the entry
post in the list of standard scales , with KSRs Part I Rule 28 A fixation
benefit. The scale of pay of regular promotion post / table scale will be admissible
with KSRs Part I Rule 30 fixation benefit only after the declaration of satisfactory
completion of probation and on acquiring qualifications of regular promotion posts as
the case may be. Ex-servicemen, enjoying protection of pay will not be allowed this
benefit, and in that case service under State Government alone will be reckoned as
qualifying service.

All other existing general terms and conditions governing grant of Time Bound
Higher Grade Promotions will continue subject to the modifications issued by

Government from time to time.

In the case of teachers who resign from an aided school to join service in another aided school, the service will counted for sanctioning higher scales of pay on the condition that the service should be approved and continuous and there should not be a break of more than a month between leaving the service from one aided school and joining service in another aided school. the controlling officers should satisfy that the resignation was to join another school and not for any other purpose. GO(Ms) 47/71/G.Edn Dt:21.04.1971).

Break in service exceeding 5 years will be reported DPI for condonation of break. GO (MS)62/73/G. Edn Dt:25.05.1973


The Aided school teachers when appointed in Govt School on the advice of PSC will be on probation and the Question of sanctioning higher Grade will wait till declaration of completion of probation. In Govt School on declaration of completion of probation he will be granted Higher Grade reckoning both aided school service and govt school service from the date, and monetary benefit allowed from that date. two examples given below .

1.DES in aided service as H.S.A            06.07.1973 06.10.1975
2.higher grade sanctioned on
 Completion of 10 yrs                                     06.07.1983
3.DES in Govt service(without break)   11.08.1985 11.08.1985
4.Completion of probation as H.S.A
 Declared                                                11.08.1987   11.08.1987

In both cases, higher grade can be sanctioned w.e.f 11.08.1987 and monetary benefit allowed from 1.08.1987,vide circular no.26316/J1/80/G.Edn dt:23.03.1983.
A fresh appointee in govt service will start at the minimum of the scale. Protection of pay counting aided school service is not permissible under any rules


Clerks who are entered service on or before 29.07.2006 is exempted from passing departmental test for declaration of probation and sanctioning grade.GO(MS)16/10/G.Edn Dt:18.01.2010.


Arrear:  stepping up of a pay of senior employees to that of their juniors, should not exceed the amount found be actually due under the claim on account of a period of two years immediately preceding the date on which the anomaly was brought to the notice of the head of the department or office.(GO(P) 36/2010(161)/fin dt:27.01.2010).This order will have prospective effect only

Seniority list will be the criteria for rectifying junior senior anomaly in pay fixation, w.e.f pay revision order 1998.(Circular.No26790/J2/07/G.Edn DT:23.06.09)


Month: means a calendar month .in calculating a period expressed in terms of months and days, complete calendar months, Irrespective of the number of days in each, should first be calculated and the odd number of days calculated subsequently.

Note: whenever it is necessary to calculate a period of calendar months, the period shall be taken to end either on the day of the month corresponding to the day before the day on which the day on which the period begins or if there is no such corresponding day in the month, then on the last day of month.

28/02 to 27/08   6 months
31/03 to 30/09   6 months
30/08 to 28/02   6 months              non leap years
31/08 to 28/02   6 months
30/08 to 29/02   6months               leap year
31/08 to 29/02   6 months

25/01 to 14/05   3 months 20 days
30/01 to 02/03   1 month 2 days

“As per para (ii)(a) of GO(P) No.380/94/913)/fin dt:09.06.94,the higher grade of teachers are time bound and they are more or less regular promotion posts as no other promotion post other than headmaster post exist in their case. Hence the regular promotion posts of PD teacher Grade 11 are Grade 1, senior Grade, selection grade and HM posts. The HSA post is not the regular promotion post of PD Teacher. in view of the above, a primary teacher in the scale of (7990-12930),when promoted as H.S.A in the scale of (8390-13270),the pay can be fixed as per Rule 28A part 1,KSR.”.
(Govt. Lr.No.179/rules A3/10/fin DT: 15.03.2010).


In the case of officiating appointments from a higher time scale of pay to lower time scale of pay, by direct recruitment, the officers officiating pay in the lower time scale shall be fixed at the minimum of  the scale of pay of the new post without considering his pay in the higher time scale except in the cases where such appointments are made in accordance with the special rules applicable to such appointment.
(GO(P)211/05/fin dT:11.05.2005) .


(i). If the pay drawn in the previous scale is less than the minimum of the revised scale then the pay in the revised scale may be fixed at the minimum.

(ii). If the pay drawn in the previous scale is a stage in the revised
Scale   the pay in the revised scale may be fixed at that stage.

(iii). If the pay drawn in the previous scale is not a stage, then the
pay in the revised scale may be fixed at the next lower stage,
the difference being treated as personal pay to be absorbed in
future increase in pay.

In the case of promotions which do not involve change of duties, the promotions will have notional effect from the date of occurrence of vacancy or the date of acquiring eligibility for promotion as the case may be but monetary benefit will be admissible only for a maximum period of one year prior to the date of order of promotion. this has been given effect from 01/03/07
(GO(P) 515/07/fin dt: 01.03.2007)
If the promotion vacancies occurred prior to 01/03/07 are eligible for arrears of pay in the promoted post w.e.f the date of effect of promotion even if the promotions are ordered after 01/03/2007.this orders are not applicable to time bound higher grades. CIRCULAR 05/2010/FIN DT:14/01/2010.


Though the scale of pay FTM and that of peon are identical, the post of FTM is neither a cadre post of peon nor feeder category for promotion to the post of peon. therefore the promote in not entitled to the benefit of advance increment as per para 3 of GO(P) 380/94(13)/fin Dt;09.06.94.
(Lr.No.92782/PRU-1/03/fin dt:30.10.2006)

When the promotion posts happened to have the scale of pay of the feeder category post, one advance increment will be granted to the incumbent appointed to the post by promotion. Advance increment will be given only in cases where the promoted post and the immediate lower feeder post have the same scale of pay.(GO(P)380/94/(13)/fin Dt:09/06/94.

The FTM post is the feeder category to the peon post as per Chapter XXIV  Rule 1 explaining note of the KER(Govt.Lr No.15930/N2/09/G.edn dt:11/02/11).


Govt are pleased to order as follows:
(1)In respect of the teachers who were appointed on inter management transfer as HMs and who have acquired the prescribed service qualification for getting departmental Headmasters scale of pay, their pay will be fixed applying rule 43A,ibid; and
(3)All the cases of intermanagement transferees will be disposed of as above
(4) The director will forward necessary draft amendments to K.E.R separately

(see Rule 11 ch.x1vA KER)

GO(MS) 175/91/G .Edn Dt: 18.11.1991) KPPHA  page 601

PAY REVISION 2014(  GO(P) 07/2016/FIN DT: 20.01.2016)
  …………………………………………………………………………………………Date of Effect
The date of effect of the revised scales of pay will be 01/07/2014. Revised pay
will be admissible with the salary of February 2016. The date of effect of revised rates
of monthly allowance will be 01/02/2016. Modified ratio/percentage based higher
grade promotions, other periodical allowances will have effect from 01/04/2016.
Modification to Rule 28A and 37(a), Part I KSR will apply
to promotions taking effect from 01/02/2016.

 The revised pay and allowances will be granted in cash from February 2016.
Employees will be entitled to draw arrears on account of pay revision in four
instalments, each at 25% of the arrears, in cash on 1.4.2017, 1.10.2017, 1.4.2018 and
1.10.2018 respectively along with interest on the arrears not drawn as on the above
dates at the rate of interest admissible on their Provident Fund. In the event of death
of any employee, the entire arrears on account of pay revision not drawn by the
employee will be paid along with interest accrued as on the date of death, to the legal
heirs of the employee.

(For e.g. an employee entitled to Rs.1 lakh as arrears of pay revision, will be
allowed to draw the first instalment of Rs.25,000 on 1.4.2017 along with
interest at the current rate on State Government Employee Provident Fund (say
8.7%) for 14 months on Rs. 1 lakh, the second instalment of Rs.25,000 on
1.10.2017 along with interest at 8.7% for 6 months on Rs.75,000, the third
instalment of Rs.25,000 on 1.10.2017 along with interest at 8.7% for 6 months
on Rs.50,000 and the fourth and last instalment of Rs.25000 along with interest
at 8.7% for 6 months on Rs.25,000.)

The pay of all non-gazetted officers will be fixed in accordance with these orders
by the Officers who draw and disburse their salary. 

The pay fixation statement of those who draw salary on countersigned bills shall be approved by the countersigning authority. In the case of gazetted officers the drawing and disbursing officer concerned should take steps to get the revised salary fixed by the Accountant General.

The pay fixation statement of non-gazetted employees should be pasted in the Service
Book after countersignature by the Drawing Officer.

Pension contribution based on the pay in the revised scale of pay will be
recovered from 01/07/2014. Foreign employers will arrange the remittance at the
revised rates from 01/07/2014.

In the case of employees who come under National Pension System, the
pension contribution on the basis of revised scale of pay will be recovered from the
salary of February 2016 onwards.

Omissions/errors/inclusion of new category (temporary posts) if any, in respect of
posts or scales of pay indicated in Annexure-XVI to this Order should be reported to
Government by the Heads of Departments within a month positively from the date of
this Order with relevant supporting documents for timely rectification. The Heads of
Departments will be held responsible for any lapse in this regard.

Arrear claims preferred in pursuance of these orders will be paid without precheck
in relaxation of Article 53, Kerala Financial Code, Volume I.

The Heads of Departments and other officers who inspect their subordinate offices,
will check all cases of fixation of pay in the revised scales and indicate in the Service
Books the fact of having checked the pay fixation. In case where fixation or grant of
higher grade or payment of increased benefits is found to be incorrect, the inspecting
officer should record the same in the Service Books concerned and instructions should
be given to concerned officers to rectify the defects. In the Departments where there
are arrangements for internal audit, the audit team shall review fixation of pay, verify
the entries in the Service Book and record therein that such verification has been done.
If defects are detected in the case of gazetted officers, the inspecting officers should
intimate them to the Accountant General for appropriate action.

Certain changes ordered above will require amendment to the existing provisions
in KSRs. Such amendments will be done separately with retrospective effect from the
relevant date indicated in this order.

Recoveries will be insisted upon where overpayments are made on account of
wrong fixation. If an officer competent to fix pay under these orders or
approve/countersign the pay fixation has any doubt regarding the application of these
orders, he shall seek clarification of the Pay Revision Cell in the Finance Department
in Government before approving the pay fixation and disbursing the pay.             

Ratio/Percentage Based Grade Promotions
The modified ratio/percentage based grade promotion will
have effect from 01/04/2016.

Time Bound Higher Grade Promotion scheme
The existing time span of 8, 15, 22 years for allowing Time Bound Higher Grade
(TBHG) promotion will continue. The existing time span of 27 years for accruing 4th
TBHG will continue and this grade is limited to employees coming under the scales of
pay ranging from 16500-35700 to 19000-43600. The date of effect of the same will be
01/02/2016.In all cases of Time Bound Higher Grade promotions to higher scales of pay, the
existing practice of fixation of pay under Rule 28 A Part I KSRs will continue without
the option facility.
………………………………......................................................................................................In the case of Time Bound Higher Grade promotion the pay in the higher time
scale will be fixed in terms of Rule 28 A Part I KSR i.e. one notional increment will
be given and thereafter the pay in the higher grade scale will be fixed at the next stage above the pay in the lower time scale, arrived after adding notional increment, as on the date of the higher grade promotion. However, he will draw his next increment in the grade scale on the date he would have drawn his normal increment in the lower scale. But in the case of an officer who got the benefit of more than two increments on account of fixation of pay on sanction of higher grade, he will draw his next increment on completion of one year service in the grade scale. The existing option facility for Time Bound Higher Grade Promotion is withdrawn with effect from 01/02/2016. Thefixation on Time Bound Higher Grade Promotion shall be done on the due date itself.The revised fixation rule will be made applicable for Time Bound Higher Grade promotion due on or after 01/02/2016.……………………………………………………………

TBHG to School Teachers
 Lower Primary and Upper Primary School Teachers working in
Government/Government Aided Schools will be allowed Grade Promotions as Grade I,
Senior Grade and Selection Grade on completion of 8,15 and 22 years of service
respectively as LPSA/UPSA.
 LP/UP school Headmasters will be allowed TBHG on
completion of 8 years as Headmaster or 28 years of service as Headmaster and
LPSA/UPSA taken together and another grade promotion on completion of 20 years
as Headmaster. But on becoming eligible for Higher Grade Promotion in the post of
Headmaster, the notional Senior Grade/Selection Grade enjoyed by them based on the
length of service as teacher had they continued as teacher need not be reviewed.

 High School Assistants will be allowed higher grade promotions as High
School Assistant (Higher Grade), High School Assistant (Senior Grade) and High
School Assistant (Selection Grade) in the scales of pay of Rs. 32300-68700,
Rs.35700-75600 and Rs.36600-79200 respectively on completion of 7, 15 and 22
years of service.
TBHG to teachers will be regulated as per the existing Government Orders
relating to TBHG and all other conditions contemplated in various Government
Orders issued by the General Education Department from time to time for the grant of

Stagnation Increment

The existing scheme of allowing stagnation increment will continue. Maximum
number of stagnation increments allowed will be five, out of which four will be
annual and fifth one biennial, subject to the condition that maximum basic pay after
adding stagnation increment shall not exceed the maximum of the master scale of Rs.
Dearness Allowance

 The new formula  for the calculation of  DA is as
Dearness Allowance = (Average AICPI for past 12 months – 239.92 ) X 100
Accordingly, the rates of Dearness Allowance admissible with effect from 01/07/2014
will be as follows:
Date                           Rate of DA               Total DA
01/07/2014                0%                             0%
01/01/2015                3%                             3%
01/07/2015                3%                             6%
01/01/2016                3%                             9%

House Rent Allowance

The revised rates of House Rent Allowance payable under different pay ranges
and classification of cities/places are as shown below:

Pay Range
B2 Class Cities& above 
Other places
 70350 & above 

1. The State Government employees working in New Delhi and other states
will be eligible for House Rent Allowance at Government of India rates
as applicable at those places.
2. B2 class city and above for the purpose of HRA means the cities of
Thiruvananthapuram, Kollam, Kochi, Thrissur, Kozhikode and Kannur.
3. Government Institutions situated within a radius of 3 kilometres from
Civil Station Kakkanad, and in the case of other cities (mentioned in
Note 2) within 1 Kilometre will be considered as B2 Class city and
above for the purpose of granting House Rent Allowance and City
Compensatory Allowance.
4. The employees working in Forest complex at Mathottam (Kozhikkode) is
eligible for HRA at the rates applicable to the city limits of Kozhikkode.
5. Other Cities and Towns include all other Municipal areas and
townships as well as District and Taluk headquarters not coming under
B2 class city & above.

Rent Recovery
 Rent at the following rates will be recovered from Government employees
residing in Government quarters with effect from 01.02.2016.
Range                                                                                                Rate
Those who are in the scale of pay up to 32300-68700        No recovery
Those who are in the scale of pay of and above
35700-75600                                                                                    2% of basic pay
For employees who do not come under the State Government scales of
pay (e.g. All India Service Officers, those on UGC/AICTE/NJPC scale),
existing orders and rates will continue.
City Compensatory Allowance
The revised rates of City Compensatory Allowance allowed for employees
working in the offices located in the B2 Class cities will be as follows:
Pay Range 
Amount (Rs.)
70350 & above

Spectacle Allowance
 The cost incurred towards the purchase of spectacles will be reimbursed subject to
a maximum of Rs.1200. Reimbursement will be allowed once in five years.


Hill Tract Allowance

 The rate of Hill Tract Allowance admissible to employees under different pay
ranges will be as shown below:

Pay range                                         Rate per month (Rs.)
30700 and above                                          500
Above 18500 and below 30700                   450
Up to 18500                                                 300

Special Allowance to differently abled employees

The rate of Special Allowance admissible to differently abled employees is
revised to Rs.800 per month. The existing conditions for sanctioning the allowance
will continue.


Education Allowance to the Parents having differently abled children

The rate of Education Allowance admissible to parents who have
mentally/physically challenged children studying in general schools and special schools will be enhanced to Rs.600 per month. The other existing conditions for theadmissibility of this allowance will continue.


Child Care Allowance

Child Care Allowance admissible to female employees and single parent male
employees (wife expired/legally divorced) having mentally/physically challenged
child/ children will be revised to Rs.1500 per month, and the annual ceiling for each
child is fixed at Rs.18000. The existing conditions for availing the allowance will

Special Allowances:-Special Allowance except in cases where it is admissible as percentage of basic pay will be enhanced @10% of the amount provided now, on the 1st day of every financial year (1st indexing will be done with effect from 01/04/2017) and rounded off to the nearest multiple of ten, subject to the condition that such enhanced total shall not exceed Rs.2000.
 Risk Allowances:- Risk allowance also will be
allowed annual enhancement @ 10%as in the case of Special Allowance.

Charge Allowance
The revised rate of charge allowance will be 4% for holding full additional charge
and that for discharging current duties will be 2% of the minimum of the scale of pay
of additional post, with effect from 1/02/2016. The maximum period for which
charge allowance is payable will be 3 months.


Travelling Allowance
Classification of Officers:-
For the purpose of travelling allowance, Officers are classified into the following four grades

Grade I:  All Officers who draw an actual basic pay of Rs.50400 and above and Heads of Departments, Private Secretary to Ministersand All India Service Officers irrespective of the Pay drawn by them.

Grade II (a):  Officers with actual basic pay of Rs.42500 and above, but below

Grade II (b): Officers with actual basic pay of Rs.27800 and above, but below
Rs.42500. Non gazetted Officers, other Last Grade Servants
when they accompany the Governor and Ministers will be
treated as Grade II (b)

Grade III:  Officers with actual basic pay of Rs.18000 and above, but below
Grade IV:  Officers with actual basic pay below Rs.18000
Note: For this purpose, basic pay includes Personal Pay.
Class of travel:-The eligible class of travel by train for each grade will be
as follows.
Eligible class
Grade I 
Grade II (a)
 I Class. If the train doesn't have I Class, II AC.
Grade II (b) 
III AC. If the train does not have III AC, I Class.
Grade III 
II Class
Grade IV 
II Class

Air Journey:- Officers in the revised scale of pay of Rs.55350-101400 and
above will be eligible for air journey.
Mileage Allowance:-Mileage Allowance for road journey will be enhanced
to Rs.2 per Kilometre for all grades of officers.
Incidental Expenses (Road/Rail/Air journeys):-The revised rates of
incidental expenses for rail/road/air journey will be as follows.
Road/RailRate (Rs) per Km
AirRate per journey
Grade I 
Limited to 1 DailyAllowance
Grade II (a)
Grade II (b) 
Grade III 
Grade IV 


  Daily Allowance:-
The revised rates of Daily Allowance for different grades
of employees are as follows.
 Inside State (Rs.) 
Outside State (Rs.)
Grade I 
Grade II (a)
Grade II (b) 
Grade III 
Grade IV 


 Classification of Government Officials for carrying personal effects on
The classification of government officials for the purpose of carrying
personal effects on transfer will be as follows:-

SI. No. 
Category of Officers
 Weight (kg)
 Officers whose actual basic pay is Rs.50400 and above
Officers whose actual pay is Rs.27800 and above but below Rs.50400
All other Officers
Loading and unloading charges for journeys on transfer:-The revised
loading and unloading charges admissible to different grades of officers for journeys
on transfer will be as follows.
 Rate (Rs)
Grade I 
800 at each end
Grade II (a)
 450 at each end
Grade II (b) 
450 at each end
Grade III 
400 at each end
Grade IV 
400 at each end

Taxi fare for Grade I Officials:-Grade I Officials travelling to
metropolitan cities and other larger cities are allowed to hire taxies as in the case of
Government of India Officials. They are entitled to taxi fare at the rates fixed by
Government from time to time for journeys on tour from residence to airport/railway
station/bus stand and back. The existing status will be continued.

Auto Rickshaw/Taxi fare for journeys on tour:-Auto rickshaw/Taxi fare
at the rate fixed by the Government from time to time will be allowed. Maximum
number of such journeys allowed a day will be two (plus one journey per tour from
residence to airport/railway station/bus stand and one journey from airport/railway
station/bus stand to residence) limiting the maximum distance of single journey as 15
kilometre as per rate fixed by government from time to time.
House Building Advance
The existing system of sanctioning House Building Advance to government
employees with a maximum amount of 50 times of basic pay will continue. The
maximum limit will be enhanced to Rs.20 lakh. It will have effect for the applications
received on or after 01/04/2016.
Surrender of earned leave
The existing system of surrender of earned leave for 30 days in a financial year
will continue.
Special Leave for undergoing Organ transplantation
Special leave for 90 days will be allowed to employees who are undergoing
kidney and other major organ transplantation. 


Part-Time Contingent Employees
The existing scales of pay of various categories of Part-Time Contingent
employees including Patient Employees in Health Services Department are revised as
follows with effect from 01/07/2014.
Category Existing Scale of Pay Revised Scale of Pay
Category I :  5520-120-6000-140-6700-160-7500-180-8400
Category II :4850-110-5400-120-6000-140-6700-160-75009340-220-11100-240-12300-260-13600-300-14800
Category III: 4250-100-4850-110-5400-120-6000-140-67008200-200-10000-220-11000-240-12300-260-13340
The existing scheme of granting one additional increment each on
completion of qualifying service of 8,15,22 and 27 years will continue.
Note:-The additional increment will be granted on completion of qualifying
service and it will not affect the normal increment dates. The maximum number of
such increment admissible shall be limited to one, two, three and four respectively on
completion of 8,15,22 and 27 years of qualifying service including the benefit availed
as per G.O (P) No.85/2011/Fin dated 26/02/2011.
Part-Time Contingent employees will be given stagnation increment.
Maximum number of stagnation increments allowed will be three, out of which two
will be annual and the third one biennial.
Part-Time Contingent employees working in designated cities shall be
eligible for City Compensatory Allowance @ Rs.100 per month. The existing Hill
Tract Allowance to employees who are working in designated area will be enhanced
to Rs.300 per month.




GO (P) 143/2011/Fin dt.30-3-2011, Go (P) 85/2011/Fin dt.26-2-2011

Existing Scale
Revised Scale

Head Master (HG) 27/7

Head Master(16yrs service)

H.S.A (Sel.Gr) 22yrs


H.S.A (Sr.Gr) 15 yrs

H.S.A (H.Gr) 7 yrs



Head Master (Sr.Gr) 20yrs  as HM

Head Master (H.Gr) 28/8

Head Master(15yrs service)

Asst.Teacher (Sel.Gr) 22 yrs

Asst.Teacher (Sr.Gr) 15 yrs

Asst.Teacher (H,Gr) 8yrs


Asst.Teacher(Part time)

Sr.Supdt (Hr.Gr)

Sr.Supdt(27 yrs)QUALIFIED


Jr.Supdt(22 yrs) QUALIFIED

Head Clerk(15 yrs) QUALIFIED


LD Clerk

Class IV Employee  27YRS

Class IV Employee  22YRS

Class IV Employee  15YRS

Class IV Employee  8YRS

Class IV Employee

Pre-Revised Master Scale
Revised Master Scale

8500  8730  8960  9190  9440  9690 9940  10210  10480  10750  11020  11320 11620  11920  12220  12550  12880  13210  13540  13900  14260  14620  14980 15380  15780  16180  16580  16980  17420  17860  18300  18740  19240  19740 20240  20740  21240  21800  22360  22920  23480  24040  24660  25280  25900 26520  27140  27820  28500  29180  29860  30610  31360  32110  32860  33680 34500  35320  36140  37040  37940  38840  39740  40640  41640  42640  43640 44640  45640  46640  47640  48640  49740  50840  51940  53040


1.HSA will be allowed grade on completion of 7,15,22 yrs.

2.primary HM will get higher grade ON COMPLETION OF 8/28 Yrs .No need to review the notional grade.

3.15/22 yrs grade will be eligible only from 1/2/2011.those who are completed 15/22 yrs before 01/02/2011,have to exercise option for grade before 30/04/2011.

4.option once exercised is take care while exercising option

5.service including broken period of service qualifying for normal increment will be counted for service weightage.

6.option should be exercised before 25/08/2011

7.option date should not beyond the date of first promotion(regular and grade) after 01/07/2009 or one year from the date of pay revision order(i.e 25/02/2012)

Head Master Sen. Gr.(20740 ‐ 36140)
Head Master HG (19240 ‐ 34500)
Head Master (18740 ‐ 33680)
Assistant Teacher Sel. Gr. (16980 ‐ 31360)
Assistant Teacher Sen. Gr. (16180 ‐ 29180)
Assistant Teacher Grade I (14620 – 25280)
Assistant Teacher Grade II (13210-22360)
Part Time Primary (9190 ‐ 15780)


Head Master HG (22360-37940)
Head Master (20740 ‐ 36140)
HSA Sel. Gr. (19240 ‐ 34500)
HSA Sen. Gr. (18740 ‐ 33680)
HSA HG (16980 ‐ 31360)
HSA (15380-25900)
Part Time HSA 9940 ‐ 16580.


Principal 22360 ‐ 37940
HSST Sel. Gr.  (22360 ‐ 37940)
HSST HG (21240 ‐ 37040)
HSST (20740 ‐ 36140)
HSST Jr. Sel. Gr.(21240-37040)
HSST Jr. HG (20740-36140)
HSST Jr. (16980-31360)
Lab Assistant 8960 ‐ 14260.


VHSST Sel.Gr. 21240 ‐ 37040
VHSST HG 20740 ‐ 36140
VHSST 19240 ‐ 34500
Non Voc, Tr. Jr. Sel. Gr. 20740 ‐ 36140
Non Voc, Tr. Jr. HG 19240 ‐ 34500
Non Voc, Tr. Jr. 16180 ‐ 29180
Non Voc, Tr. (GFC) 6100 (Con. Pay)
Voc. Instructor 14620 ‐ 25280

Pay Range
B2 Class City
C Class City/Town
Cities not in B2 & C Class
Other Places
33680 & Above.

City Compensatory Allowance
Pay Range
Rate per Month
Below Rs. 9440
Rs.9440 & Above but below Rs.13540
Rs.13540 & above but below Rs.16980
Rs.16980 & above.



GO(P)325/66/G.EDN DT:14.07.1966

NOTE: part time teachers whose pay will be revised as shown in the schedule will be eligible for DA, but not H.R.A.

Traveling Allowance

36. (1) For the purpose of travelling allowance, officer shall be classified into the
following four grades Viz;

Grade I
All officers who draw an actual basic pay of Rs. 25280/- and above
and Heads of Departments, Private Secretary to Ministers and All
India Service Officers irrespective of the Pay drawn by them.

Grade II (a)

Officers with actual basic pay of Rs. 21240/- and above, but below
Rs. 25280/-

Grade II (b)

Officers with actual basic pay of Rs.13900/- and above, but below
Rs.21240/-. Non Gazatted Officers, other Last Grade Servants when they accompany the Governor and Ministers will be treated
as Gr. II (b).

Grade III

Officers with actual basic pay of Rs.8960/- and above, but below
Rs.13900/- ; and

Grade IV

Officers with actual basic pay below Rs. 8960/-.

Note:- For the purpose of above Rule 36 Pay will also include Personal Pay and Special Pay
in lieu of higher time scale of pay.

Class of travel

Eligible class of travel by train by each grade shall be as follows:

Class                                      Grades Eligible Class
Grade I                        II AC
Grade II (a)                 I class. If the train doesn’t have I class, II AC
Grade II (b)                 III AC. If the train doesn’t have III AC, I class
Grade III                     II class
Grade IV                    II class


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